Wednesday 13 March 2013

Garden (Getting started) 2013

After such a horrid Winter, that's dragged on far too long my liking. I've been just itching to get outside and start clearing the garden for the coming seasons.

The last two days I've finally had that opportunity. My sweet peas and Curly Kale are sitting on my windowsills listening to classical music (yes! Really!) I heard it helps them grow?!

And finally my Apache potatoes, which I purchased at Christmas have been chitting in an egg holder on the kitchen dresser till now. They're now all cosy in a pot and placed in sunny area of the garden. So fingers crossed we don't have any more frost or I'll be sharing my dining room with them!

My Current fruit and Veg list is:

Curly Kale
Apache Potatoes
Spanish Black carrots
Carrots (Nante 2) I did plant autumn King but I suspect the seedling have all died due to the Spring snow. So I plan to plant the Nante 2 instead.
Spring onions (White Lisbon) I planted these with the autumn king and I'm guessing they've  succumbed to the dreadful weather as well!
Dwarf beans (Tendercrop)
Perpetual Spinach (an heirloom variety in use from 1790!)
Courgettes (Defender)

Runner beans (Butler)
Tomatoes ( Minibel)

I can't wait for them all to get going!

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting list of items to grow
    I am specifically interested in the Spanish Black carrots, where did you get them from?
